Education Leads to Musical Excellence
Our great passion is learning more about the art of singing a cappella music in the barbershop style. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals. We regularly receive coaching from visiting masters in the art of barbershop performance. Sweet Adelines International also offers limitless educational opportunities in the areas of personal growth, leadership, showmanship, and music.
Hickory Tree Chorus’ commitment to vocal music education extends to the community. Each year Hickory Tree Chorus awards a $1,000 Scholarship to an area high school senior woman who intends to pursue music in college, selected on the basis of her application and her vocal musical talent. Click here to read more about the scholarship.
We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024 scholarship. Check back in February for the 2025 scholarship.
To help us continue funding our education, please consider making a donation here.